Upcoming Events

  • 📅 Apr 23-May 3 - UMC General Conference -  Happening Now 

    We'll be there advocating for Worldwide Regionalization to move give regions more autonomy and respect for missional context, Revised Social Principles to be more theologically grounded and inclusive, and Removing harmful language from the Book of Discipline

  • 📅 Sat Jun 22 - 🏳️‍🌈 Allendale Marching in St. Pete Pride Parade

    📌 St. Petersburg, FL, USA

    We are once again marching in the St. Pete Pride parade. It's one of our favorite days of the year, a celebration of beloved community and a wholesome reminder of how we were wonderfully and fabulously made by God!

  • 📅 Sun Jun 30 - 👑 Drag Gospel Worship

    Every 5th Sunday, Allendale’s worship service will incorporate drag queens to help us embody and reflect the image of God from which we are all created.